Technology Landscape of Indian Patent Filings (2005-2010)
This short article provides info on patent applications filed in a variety of fields of technology in India. Analysis of patent related data is regarded as an important approach to assessing various facets of technology change. The count of patents is a gauge of the country’s inventive activity as well as shows its capacity to take advantage of understanding and change it into potential financial gains. Patenting trends provide insight for market entry strategies, product strategies, R&D efforts, IP strategies and acquisitions. Within this context, Patent statistics also works as a grounds for analyzing a firm’s strategy regarding research, development and exploitation of foreign markets.
Patent Filing in Last 5 Years
Except for the entire year 2009-2010, the amount of patent applications filed using the Indian Patent Office (IPO) elevated in a relatively fast pace, with annual growth averaging 8% per year from 2005 to 2009. Within the entire length into consideration (2005-2010), the amount of patent applications filed using the IPO elevated from 24505 to 34287. The entire year 2009-2010 observed a lower fall of 6% compared to previous years in patent filing most likely because of the fact that World economy faced melt lower.
Patent Filing in a variety of Fields in Last 5 Years
It’s clearly apparent in the data that around 2005-2006 & 2006-2007 maximum patent filing (24% & 22% correspondingly) ended in Chemical field that was out done around 2008-2009 & 2009-2010 with maximum filings in Computer/Electronics field (19% & 22% correspondingly). Out of all 5 years least patent applications (1 to 4%) were filed in Food technology. However, Patent filing in Mechanical field was consistent from year 2005 to 2008 (19%). In the past year 2007-2008 most of patent applications were field in other fields which incorporated Bio-Medical, Bio-Chemistry, Bio-Informatics, Physics, Civil, Textiles, Metallurgy/Material Science, Agriculture, Polymer-Science and Veterinary.
Contribution of Specific Technologies for Development in Filings
The level of patent filings elevated by 39% from 2005-2006 to 2009-2010. Computer/Electronics technology (20%) taken into account the biggest share of total growth. Chemical and Mechanical technology each contributed 19%. Further, technologies like Bio-Medical, Bio-Chemistry, Bio-Informatics, Physics, Civil, Textiles, Metallurgy/Material Science, Agriculture, Polymer-Science and Veterinary together contributed 15%.
Overall, the figures presented in graph above claim that not one field of technology was exclusively accountableexclusively accountable for the development in filings. Three from the technologies, particularly, Computer/Electronics technology, Chemical and Mechanical are essential causes of growth. In the area of It particularly Computer/Electronics, Infosys Technologies Limited & Samsung India Software Operations happen to be the main filers during the last 2 yrs (2008-2010). Around 2008-2009, Samsung & Infosys filed 205 & 81 patent applications correspondingly whereas around 2009-2010 most of applications 23 were filed by Infosys adopted by Samsung with 07 applications.